Short Attention Span Literary Club

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Join us the first Wednesday of every month for conversation about a short story. This week’s selection is Eudora Welty's masterpiece of gossip and vulgarity, "Petrified Man."

Virtual Conversation: Dementia-Friendly Museums


In this two-part series of virtual conversations, CMCH and partners will explore how museums and cultural institutions can better serve people living with dementia.

Virtual Conversation: Dementia-Friendly Museums


In this two-part series of virtual conversations, CMCH and partners will explore how museums and cultural institutions can better serve people living with dementia.

Lunch and Learn: Of Skulls and Skeletons: Burial Practices and Battlefield Cleanup During the American War of Independence


This summer we're looking back at the Revolutionary War with our exhibition Hamilton Heroes and Villains, in honor of the musical Hamilton's return to the Bushnell. Beyond the flashy costumes and musical drama, what was it really like to fight in the war? In this noontime talk, historian Robert A. Selig takes a look at one of the darkest sides of any battle: the clean-up.

Short Attention Span Literary Club


Join us the first Wednesday of every month for conversation about a short story. This week’s selection is “Mrs. Manstey's View" by Edith Wharton.

Short Attention Span Literary Club


Once per month, we get together to chat about short stories. This month’s selection is “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.