Create a lasting legacy at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History. It’s never too early to designate a planned gift in your will or trust to advance the collection, preservation, research, and interpretation of culture and history in the Constitution State. Our strong financial standing of nearly 200 years was built by the many people who have left bequests since the mid-19th century. As the country’s seventh oldest historical society, your bequest allows us to continue to sustain, grow, and thrive.
Once you have designated a Legacy Gift, you will become a member of the John Trumbull Society, a group of the Museum’s most dedicated supporters that have demonstrated their steadfast commitment to the future of the organization. The John Trumbull Society makes it possible for us to preserve and share the vibrant culture and history of Connecticut and its impact the country.
Depending on your financial situation, you have many several options to choose from. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about Legacy Giving. If you’ve already included the Connecticut Museum in your giving plans, thank you! We would be delighted to welcome you to the John Trumbull Society. Kindly let us know your plans by contacting Chief Advancement Officer Jamie O’Brien at (860) 969-6089 x1 or jobrien@connecticutmuseum.org
I want to leave a bequest to Connecticut Museum in my will.
Thank you for your interest in leaving a bequest to Connecticut Museum of Culture and History. To make your bequest, you can provide the following language to your attorney for inclusion in your will or trust:
A specific bequest might read as follows:
“I give the sum of _____ dollars ($ ) to the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History in Hartford, Connecticut to be used or disposed of for its general charitable purposes.”
A residuary bequest might read as follows:
“I give ________ percent of the residue of my estate to the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History in Hartford, Connecticut to be used or disposed of for its general charitable purposes.”
And, if you wish your bequest to be applied to a specific purpose, the following example might be helpful:
“I give the sum of ______ dollars or (_____ percent of the residual of my estate) to the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History in Hartford, Connecticut to be used for the following purpose: (to be stated by the donor.)”
I have already included the Connecticut Museum in my will or trust. What should I do now?
When you decide to designate a gift to the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, you become a member of the John Trumbull Society, established by the Board of Trustees in 1993. John Trumbull, a member of the renowned literary “Hartford Wits” was one of the founders of the Connecticut Museum (formerly CHS) and its first president.
If you’ve already included the Connecticut Museum in your giving plans, thank you! Kindly let us know your plans by contacting Chief Advancement Officer Jamie O’Brien at (860) 969-6089 x1 so that we can share with you all the benefits of membership in this legacy society.
I am interested in learning more about other charitable giving methods.
There are some tax-saving options when you include a charity in your planned giving. We suggest you meet with your financial planner to discuss options that may be best for you.
The John Trumbull Society at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
When you decide to make a planned gift to the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, you become a member of the John Trumbull Society, established by the Board of Trustees in 1993. John Trumbull, a member of the renowned literary “Hartford Wits” was one of the founders of Connecticut Museum (formerly CHS) and its first president.