This event has passed, but you can watch a recording here! CHS is pleased to welcome journalist and author Jim Rasenberger to deliver this year’s Charles Guilford Woodward Lecture. In Revolver: Sam Colt…
This event has passed, but you can watch a recording here! CHS is pleased to welcome journalist and author Jim Rasenberger to deliver this year’s Charles Guilford Woodward Lecture. In Revolver: Sam Colt…
Sam Colt is a Connecticut legend. Join us tonight to learn about an important new book that assesses his life and legacy, praised by the Washington Post as overflowing with “relentless ambition, energy, entrepreneurship, ingenuity and wealth, and with deceit, fraud, jingoism and murder.”
Sam Colt is a Connecticut legend. Join us tonight to learn about an important new book that assesses his life and legacy, praised by the Washington Post as overflowing with “relentless ambition, energy, entrepreneurship, ingenuity and wealth, and with deceit, fraud, jingoism and murder.”