Did you know that Connecticut factories made weapons, uniforms, submarines, and medical supplies for the American troops fighting in World War I? Come find out what it was to be a factory worker through interactive experiences at the CMCH on Free First Saturday! Kids can race against the clock to complete various jobs, such as replacing threaded bobbins and packaging mess kits for soldiers. Kids can also make their own toy airplane or submarine to take home!
For more historical fun, families can explore the exhibit Facing War: Connecticut in World War I and play in our reproduction Y.M.C.A. hut.
This drop-in program is free and open to the public, and great for children ages 4 and up. For more information, please contact Corinne Swanson at (860) 236-5621 x222 or email corinne_swanson@chs.org. Thanks to Berkshire Bank for their support of this program.
Through December 1, CMCH is collecting personal care items for military service members in partnership with Blue Star Mothers of America. Please pitch in by bringing an item. Learn more here.