SOLD OUT! Stained-Glass Workshop with Francis Barkyoumb

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Curious about the art of stained-glass? Join us for an introductory level workshop with local stained glass and restoration artist Francis Barkyoumb of Glass Dance Studio.


Speak Up Storytelling: Stimulated — Stories About Hype, Energy, and the Jitters

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Come out to the Museum to hear storytellers tell true stories about lived experiences, led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks. Tonight's theme is "Stimulated: Stories About Hype, Energy, and the Jitters."


Date Night: Sex and Love in the Archives

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT, United States

Spice up that boring old date night with some historical romance. Bring your beau, gal, or best pal to the CMCH for a “backstage” look at some of the objects in our collection associated with love and lust through the ages. Then, settle down with some wine and chocolate treats while you draw a miniature framed portrait of your partner to take home as a romantic (or just amusing) keepsake.


Why We Can’t Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

River Bend Bookshop and the Connecticut Museum are pairing up to present an evening with best-selling author Ann Hood, the editor of a new anthology, Life's Short, Talk Fast: Fifteen Writers on Why We Can't Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls.


Date Night: Boozy Brew

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT, United States

Join us for a fun evening that will include a scavenger hunt through our exhibition, Coffee: A Connecticut Story, then relax and enjoy a coffee cocktail and coffee liqueur tasting with Saxtons River Distillery.
